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Cancellation Policy



If canceling any order, customer should do so within 12 hrs. of order placement. If failed to do so, and if your order is taken under process, no cancelation will be done. Ask us by E-mail or phone for your order status.
Cancelation of order can be done by E-mail us at info@sqjeans.com or by call on +91 9898239839 or +91 9909133233 within 12 hrs. of order placement and your payment will be refunded to your account by the same way you made payment to us. Processing charges for accepting payment will be deducted from your account.
However, you can modify your order - Please read our policy for Modification of your cuatom jeans or any other custom product.


If you want to make any change in your confirmed order, You can modify your order by communicate with us via E-mail at info@sqjeans.com or phone before we cut the denim fabric according to your order from denim fabric roll. Once fabric cut from the denim fabric roll, you will not be able to change the fabric quality. Ask us for your order status and we will suggest what modifications you can do for your order.
Modification in measurements can be done before we cut your jeans by your measurements. Ask us for measurements modification through E-mail or by phone and we will inform you about your order status.